I see youre new here. Welcome to my Resort. This is a place to relax and to forget about your daily worries.
For that purpose, I have three places at my proposal, which will make you have a good time exercising your brain:
*IN SPRING SPA, youll surf through SLITHERLINK, an intelligence game that consist in joining lines to a closed loop without crossing and following certain rules in relation to the numbers within the cells.
*IN THAI THERM, youll dive into SUDOKU, the worldwide famous game. Here youll have to complete the board with numbers between 1 and 9 without repetition in a row, column and square.
*IN ZEN POND, youll meditate with NURIKABE, where you have to join islands to form a continuous river without swirls (2x2 tiles) and archipelagos that cannot touch themselves.

During your stay, Ill be your Sensei. So dont hesitate to ask me. I can even throw you a lifebelt if you "drown" in one of my games! But be careful! Lifebelts are limited so dont overuse them!
The main goal of my Resort is your relax, so i wont urge you to solve my games in the shortest time. There won’t be records or points between Resort guests. Wherever you are you can enter the time you like, relax or leave it for later. Think of this Resort as a little zen corner where you can escape from your daily stress.
So, I invite you to enter the locker, put on the flip-flops, take a towel, the massage oil and enter the Resort.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

*Relax with the help of 3 kinds of intelligence games: SUDOKU, NURIKABE AND SLITHERLINK.
*Music and videos help you to relax.
*Compatible with Game Center
*Intuitional and casual design.
*Fully adapted for iOS 6 and iPhone 5
*Go at your own pace. If you get stuck use one of the lifebelts. The goal is to finish but without getting stressed!